Sprinkle a little magic on your research

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This set of online courses were created to offer a very gentle introduction into SEM, in an intuitive and non-mathematical way. They emulate the courses I deliver in Cambridge, so they really are meant to be taken as a “course” (i.e. you progress through them and receive a certificate at the end).

How does it work? Watch this 5-minute video.



In addition to the Foundation course (Wizard’s Cat), there are 3 Specialised courses:

  • Multilevel (Magic School).
  • Multiple group (Potion Master).
  • Longitudinal (Spell Caster).

Your dashboard will actually look like this (note: the inactive courses will be ‘locked’):



What is a lesson like?

Here is a video of a full SEM. This video appeas at the end of the Wizard’s Cat course, so if you are having a go at watching the video right now and realise you don’t know the answers to the questions I am asking throughout, don’t worry! You are not supposed to know the answers now, but you definitely will know them all if you watch this after you have finished the Wizard’s Cat course. 😉

The way to use the videos is to “work through them”, not just “watch” them. You will receive the actual files, so you can annotate them and create a bank of annotated models. These will provide a useful way to quickly remember all the details later. In fact, these will probably be more useful as a quick reference than the actual videos, as they provide more efficient searching of specific bits and bobs. And by annotating files as you watch the videos, you will efficiently internalise the new knowledge. Enjoy!


A full SEM:


Autumn-Winter Programme 2024-2025

The Autumn-Winter Programme 2024-2025 is now up!

The courses will be delivered as “instructor-paced” slow-drip courses. Each course has three units, so the courses will be run over a 3-week period, with one unit released each week (on a Wednesday, by 12 noon, London time). I usually teach each unit in 1 day (here in Cambridge), so you should need no more than 8-10 hours per week.

If you wish to take the entire programme, I recommend taking the courses sequentially, in the following order: Wizard’s Cat, Potion Master, Magic School, Spell Caster. This said, you are welcome to choose your own journey – just remember that it is difficult to take more than one course at a time and best to take them sequentially.

This table shows when each course is available, but if you need to take a course on dates when it is not offered, please get in touch by email.


Mplus Wizard Mplus Wizard Mplus Wizard Mplus Wizard Mplus Wizard
9 October - 30 October tick tick tick tick
13 November - 4 December tick tick tick tick
8 January - 29 January tick tick tick tick
12 February - 5 March tick tick tick tick


You may take any single course, or all of them. However, the Wizard’s Cat course is a pre-requisite for all other courses. This is a foundation course and I strongly advise you take this course, unless you are very confortable with CFA/EFA and ML/MLR/WLSMV (e.g. do you know the difference between a probit and a logistic regression?).

In fact, a strong foundation is so important that anyone registering for one of the three specialised course, will also automatically be enrolled into the Wizard’s Cat course. So if you intend to attend the others, you don’t have to also register for this one.


Click on “Dates & Prices” to see the price list and info about bursaries and promotions.



Dates & Prices


My name is Gabriela Roman and I am researcher currently based at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. My main research interest is the development of cognitive and emotional self-regulation and the role of self-regulation for behaviour difficulties (in early childhood) and criminal behaviour (in adolescence and early adulthood). I am particularly interested in the contributions of other actors to the development of a person’s self-regulation. Over the years, I have also been involved in various international projects as a consultant. I am currently working on a book about young people’s pathways into crime, from age 13 to age 24. Previously I was fortunate to learn a little bit about various branches of psychology and criminology via a PhD in developmental psychology (Cambridge University), an MPhil in criminological research (Cambridge University), and a BA in cognitive and social psychology (Jacobs University Bremen).

Courses: I have been delivering training courses since 2013. My flagship courses are in-person and take place in Cambridge. They are hosted by Selwyn College, which looks like a fairy tale. We complete our experience with 3 coffee & cake breaks, as well as lunch in the Great Hall (which also includes cake, of course):


Webinars: I also developed the Mplus Webinarium, a platform through which I sometimes deliver highly interactive webinar series. This format was created with an aim to bring all the interactive and immersive features you would expect from an in-person course directly to the comfort of your living room:


Mathematics: I also co-developed a course in mathematics based on the “STEP I” exam that used to form the basis for admissions to a variety of Maths BSc courses (originating at Cambridge University). This course is aimed at broadening highschool leavers’ access to deep mathematics, so that every pupil who wishes to delve deeper into foundational mathematics is able to so regardless of their circumstance:


About Mplus Wizard

Mplus Wizard is my latest project. It aims to further increase flexibility by allowing you to learn at your own pace (e.g. by allowing you to pause/rewind videos) and your own schedule, while retaining the support you would get when studying in my presence (e.g. via the option to post questions online on the web dashboard directly to me). I record and edit the videos undergoing a minutious process to maximise their quality and delivery in the hope that they provide an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for you.

If you have any questions then please feel free to contact me using the contact details at the bottom of the page.

All the best,


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